Spatial data registry

The Spatial data registry (SDR) is in accordance with Act No. 3/2010 Coll. on the National Spatial Information Infrastructure (NIPI), as amended, a public administration information system that ensures uniform access to sources of spatial data sets and spatial data services, including their metadata. 

The information system also provides the National Discovery Service for the Slovak Republic, through which it makes metadata about georesources available for the INSPIRE Geoportal of the European Commission

SDR enables the creation, import, harvesting, management and publication of metadata about: 

  • Spatial datasets
  • Spatial data services 
  • Applications

The information system consists of two parts: 

  • Public - providing access to content and functionality without the need to sign in 
  • Non-public - which provides metadata management tools through the Tools section and requires sign in

As part of sustainability until the end of 2023, SDR also provides original eGov services.